February 3, 2021
“Though I have many things to write to you, I don’t want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come to you and talk face to face so that our joy may be complete.” – 2 John 1:12
During the COVID-19 pandemic of this last year we have experienced the blessing and the curse of technology. Our computers and smart phones have allowed us to see and talk with our loved ones from far away. We have been able to check in on one another during times of extreme social distancing. However, we have also made the mistake of believing “FaceTime” is the same thing as face-to-face time. The ability to see one another on a screen has fooled us into thinking we do not need to see one another in-person. Because of this I have seen a great deal of pain and suffering. There has been record depression and suicide, record abuse, and large numbers of elderly and those with dementia passing away from lack of interaction.
We need each other. It makes me happy to see my brother and his family each week on Zoom. But nothing compares to the joy I felt when they came to visit this summer. I love to talk on the phone with my church members. But I am filled with incredible joy when I get to see my church family and worship with them on Sunday morning. Our joy in any relationship is never complete – never purely or fully realized – until we see one another face-to-face. This is why one of the greatest joys and greatest hope we have in Christ Jesus is the promise that we will once again stand face-to-face with our brothers and sisters who have passed away. And not only that, but we will also stand face-to-face with our Savior. Oh, the inexpressible joy!
Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for making us people who long for fellowship with one another and with You. Give us the wisdom to never allow any amount of technology to fool us into thinking we no longer need to be face-to-face. Overcome any obstacles that stand in our way. Make paths in the desert and part the sea so that we may be able to truly fellowship with one another and with You for today and for all eternity.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon