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April 3, 2024

“Samuel replied, ‘Don’t be afraid. Even though you have committed all this evil, don’t turn away from following the Lord. Instead, worship the Lord with all your heart.’” – 1 Samuel 12:20

Shame is a powerful thing. The truth is all of us have done things we are ashamed of. Usually, shame drives us into seclusion. We do not want to face what we have done. That seclusion often leads to depression and anger. Those unhealthy emotions then lead us to greater sin…which leads to deeper shame. It is a dark cycle that is difficult to break. How do we get out of it?

The answer lies in some words that God spoke to his people many times in the Old Testament. The shame of our evil acts often drives us away from the Lord. However, this only leads to a broken relationship with him and, by default, more evil actions. When you have sinned, don’t run away from God, run to him! I know it may seem counter to what your feelings are telling you, but instead of turning away, come back and worship him with all your heart. He knows your heart, he is familiar with every sin, and still, he loves you deeper than you could ever imagine. If you want to break the cycle of sin and shame, return to the Lord with all your heart.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the powerful, unexplainable, incomprehensible love that You continue to show us even in the midst of our deepest, darkest sins. Give us the wisdom and strength to run back to You and break the cycle of sin and shame.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Shane Cannon

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