September 23, 2020
“Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked.” – Proverbs 25:26
Have you ever been really thirsty, walked up to a water fountain, pushed the button, and nothing happened? So disappointing! The whole reason that water fountain is there is to quench your thirst. It is not a structural part of the building, it is not decorative, it is not a shelf. A water fountain that does not give water is truly pointless.
This is similar to the illustration we are given in Proverbs 25:26. The purpose of God’s people in this world is to be a source of life to those around us. Our purpose is not to simply enjoy hanging out, our purpose is not to look good, our purpose is not to be liked by everyone. In Matthew 5:15 Jesus puts it a slightly different way; “No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket.” God did not give us the light of Christ so that we could hide it away. A Christian who acts worldly while with those who are worldly is a muddy spring and a hidden light. Muddy springs and hidden lights are truly pointless.
Heavenly Father, we are truly sorry for the times we have walked through this life as muddy springs and hidden lights. We desire to be bold in our witness for you. We desire to live lives that bring life and light to all those around us. Convict us of our sinful failure in this area and empower us by your Holy Spirit to live righteously among the wicked.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon