October 9, 2019
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
I’ve said it many times; I do not know how any Christian can walk through this dark world without the support of a loving church family. Today I had a doctor’s appointment in Colorado Springs. It was my first appointment with a specialist, so my wife wanted to go along to hear what he had to say. Whenever we leave town with the kids at school, I always get a little worried that one of them is going to call home sick. Well, that didn’t happen today…what did happen was a water main break at the elementary school so that all three of our kids from that school had to come home. We got the call about the water main break right in middle of my appointment and we were an hour away. That is when we reached out to a dear Christian sister who has ministered to us since we were first married. She rushed over right away and took care of our children until we could get home. We finished the appointment and drove home in complete peace because we knew our little ones were in the loving hands of “Grandma Linda.”
At the beginning of the Bible, God creates all that exists, stating that every bit of it is good. The very first thing in creation that is “not good” is when man is alone. From there, God sets aside a people for himself in the Nation of Israel. In the New Testament, Christ makes all believers into one family. And in the book of Revelation we will worship together with those brothers and sisters for all eternity. Fellow Christian, let me be perfectly clear with you today; we need each other! You need to be meeting together on a regular basis with Christian brothers and sisters, who can support you, pray for you, love you, and hold you accountable…and you need to be doing the same for them. I pity the Christian who falls and has no one to help them up.
Father in Heaven, we thank You for giving us an eternal family through Jesus Christ. Let us meet together, love each other, and support one another until the day we all meet with You in eternity.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon