“The thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.” – John 10:10
When we see something blatantly and unthinkably evil, our first inclination is to try to make sense of it. We look at the situation and say to ourselves, “There must be some logical explanation for this incredible evil.” However, as time goes by we realize that the answer to that question usually never comes. Why? Because the truth is, Satan exists for the sole purpose of death and destruction. Whether he is acting in covert and manipulative ways, or in blatantly shocking acts of violence, his goal is always death and destruction in any way he can accomplish it. This shocks us because we all naturally desire life.
Contrast this to the mission of Jesus Christ. Not only does He come to bring life, but life in such abundance that it is just as shocking on the opposite end of the spectrum. His mission is the very antithesis of the purpose of Satan. In light of this Truth, how should we walk in this dark world? Not only does Christ bring us life, but in restoring us, He has made us children of His Kingdom and lights in this dark world. The only answer to the death and destruction of Satan is the abundant life of Jesus Christ. So eagerly draw close to Him and allow Him to use you to speak words of abundant life every day in every situation. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it!
Heavenly Father, fill us with Your Holy Spirit and make us powerful instruments of light and life in this dark world.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><