“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came to save sinners – of whom I am the worst.” – 1 Timothy 1:15
One of the biggest obstacles that prevents unbelievers from coming to accept Christ is that they believe they are too bad of a sinner, they have done too many horrible things, to ever be part of God’s loving family. If that is you today, let me share this; the whole purpose of Jesus coming as a man, dying on the cross, and conquering death was to save sinners – horrible, ugly, nasty sinners. If you are a horrible sinner, then you are exactly the reason that Jesus came. His whole purpose was to save sinners! That is what the Gospel story is all about.
However, this verse also holds an important truth for those of us who are already followers of Christ and children of God. We too often, because of the shame involved in our sin, like to pretend that we have always been holy and righteous and didn’t really need all that much saving. When we do this, we perpetuate the roadblock for others coming to Christ. Did you notice that in 1 Timothy 1:15, Paul says, “sinners – of whom I am the worst.” He does not say “I was the worst sinner,” but “I am.” The truth is brothers and sisters, minus the saving work of Jesus Christ, I am still that wretched man I was before. Anything good or righteous that comes from my life is not of my own power, but only exists because of the saving work of Jesus Christ. That is a truth that this dying world so desperately needs to hear!
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><