“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
It is common for a Christian to desire and seek God’s will in their life. We set out to make a decision, earnestly seek God’s guidance, and choose our path. However, we are often seeking God’s will for the wrong reason. Often times, we desire to know God’s will because we believe it will lead us down a path that is easy and worry-free. So we seek His will, start down that path, come up against struggles, and conclude we must not have found God’s will.
Toward the end of the book of John, in some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples, he tells them something very strange; they are guaranteed to have troubles. I would argue that the same holds true for anyone who chooses to follow Jesus today. Being within God’s will does not necessarily mean a trouble-free path. So why would we seek God’s will? Because walking in His will deepens our relationship with Him, through both good times and hard times. This is the true purpose of walking on this earth; not trouble-free living, but intimacy with God.
Father, we thank You that You desire to bring us closer to You and work to that end. Please keep us within Your will and work through every situation, both good and bad, to accomplish that purpose.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><