November 4, 2020
“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39
Yesterday was election day. This election year a lot of very important issues hung in the balance; issues that could determine the course our country for decades to come. Throughout this stressful time, I have heard many Christians say, “regardless of what happens, God is still in control.” I couldn’t agree more! In every age, in every life, through every situation God is in control. But maybe when we say this, we don’t really understand the implications…
The fact that God is in control does not mean things are going to be easy. It does not mean that evil will no longer exist or that evil will be ignored. God was in control through all the plagues of Egypt. God was in control when the Israelites were led off into captivity. God was in control when Stephen was stoned to death. Even though God is in control, and because of it, he still judges and punishes evil. Even though God is in control, and because of it, there is still persecution for those who belong to him. Through this difficult time in our country, saying “God is in control” does not mean that things will be easy. What we need to remember above all else is that God was in control when Jesus Christ went to the cross for our sins. If when you say, “God is in control,” you mean everything will be “okay” here on earth, you are in for serious disappointment. However, if when you say, “God is in control,” you mean that all the evil, pain, and suffering in this world cannot change your place in eternity, then you are ready to face the most difficult days that may lie ahead.
Almighty God, today we recognize Your sovereignty even over the evil, the suffering, and the persecution in our world. And we thank You with all our heart, soul, and mind that you are in control of our eternity.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon