November 21, 2018
“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.”
– Psalm 9:1
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. And, obviously, most of us take time during this season to stop and give thanks for the good things in our lives. However, I think we often go about this as a superficial task that we are obligated to complete. We just take a quick inventory of the things in our life that are positive and throw out a half-hearted, undirected “thanks.” Psalm 9:1 tells us that our thanksgiving should not be some general statement, but should be directed toward God because every good and perfect gift comes from Him (James 1:17). This psalm also teaches us that this thanksgiving should be done with all our heart. This cannot happen with just a quick survey of the recent events in our lives. We should take time to truly meditate on the things that bring us the most peace and the most joy, as well as the lessons and trials that have lead to a deeper relationship with Him. We should take time to dwell on those things and allow them to bring a radiant smile to our faces. Then we should give thanks to the Lord.
This psalm, however, does not end there. Once we have truly given thanks to God, the next step is to tell of all God’s wonderful deeds. Make sure that when you are with friends and family this Thanksgiving that you do not fall into the trap of a general thankfulness with no direction as to where those blessings come from. Stand boldly and joyfully and tell of the wonderful deeds of your loving and gracious Father in heaven. Then all those around us can see the incredible goodness of our amazing God.
Father, we repent of the flippant thankfulness that we have offered You in the past. At this time, please open our hearts to the blessings that flow from Your unfathomable goodness. Then open our hearts and our mouths to sing of Your goodness to all those around us.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon