“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” – Psalm 37:4
Have you ever felt like nothing is going your way? Have you ever felt that all your plans seem to be failing? Have you ever felt that God is doing anything but giving you the desires of your heart? Psalm 37:4 and verses like it give us an amazing promise; that God will give us the desires of our heart. But that is promise is not where the verse begins. It is conditional. We must first take delight in the Lord.
What does it mean to take delight in the Lord? Quite simply, it means we love the things that He loves. It means the things of God are what delight us and excite us. It means that our hearts are aligned with His. You see, God loves us too much to give us the desires of our heart unless our heart is aligned with His. He will not give us the selfish or wicked desires of our heart because He always desires what is best for us. Thankfully, this is true even at times when we are blind to our own evil desires. This is the loving protection of our Heavenly Father. So next time you are not receiving the desires of your heart, take a quick inventory to make sure you are taking delight in the Lord.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><