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May 11, 2016

I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” – Psalm 4:8

I don’t know about you, but I often experience days where I am not at peace. We are easily susceptible to worries, fears, discontentment, anger, and a whole host of other things creeping in to steal our peace. For me, my lack of peace is always brought to the forefront when I lay my head down on my pillow each night. Everything that did not go well, everything that might not go well, all the responsibilities I have, and the multitude of relationships I carry in my heart come rushing to the front of my thoughts; and when this happens, peace is difficult to find. We don’t have peace because we do not feel safe. I am not simply talking about safety from physical danger, though this too concerns us. I am talking about safety from emotional hurt, from sickness, from failure, and from insignificance. In all of these things, safety is only found in God. If you find that peace is allusive every night when you end your day, then you must ask, “Where am I looking to find safety?” Money, relationships, jobs, and accolades are all just a mirage on the horizon. They will never keep us safe from all we fear. Only God can make us dwell every day in safety; and only that safety can bring the peace we long for. Father, let us see clearly Your incredible power, sufficiency, and love to fulfill every one of our needs so that we may dwell in safety and sleep in peace.

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