May 1, 2019
“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24 (CSB)
Many verses in the Bible are so beloved and so often quoted that they begin to be removed from their context. Psalm 118:24 is one of those verses. I am sure you have heard this verse before. It is most often used to express the idea that any day can be celebrated because God has made that day; He made the sun rise once again, so we can rejoice. Though that sentiment may be true, it is not what this passage is talking about. If we put this verse back in context, it says;
“I will give thanks to you because you have answered me and have become my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This came from the Lord; it is wondrous in our sight. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118: 21-24 (CSB)
We know from Matthew chapter 21 that this passage is a prophecy about the Messiah. We can truly rejoice today, not simply because the sun has risen once again, but because the Son has risen victoriously. We are privileged to live in this day; the day in which the full and perfect Salvation of God for all who believe has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ. So rejoice! This is truly the day of our Salvation; the day the Lord has made!
Lord our God, fill us with a heart of rejoicing today, because You have heard our cry and we have received Your Salvation.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon