March 3, 2021
“And he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ.” – Ephesians 4:11-12
This past Sunday we baptized 11 people at our church. They ranged in age from kids in early elementary school to people in their 40’s, and almost every age in between. It was an amazing day! One of the great victories of that day for me personally (and this might sound strange) was that I only lead two of those people to Christ. One accepted Christ during a church service when I was preaching and one I lead to Christ in my office after Bible study one night. The other nine came to know Jesus through family members, friends, or their teachers at Vacation Bible School. Why is this a great victory for me? Because even though it is my privilege to bring people to Jesus, it is also my job to equip the Saints for ministry.
When we think of “ministry,” we think of “ministers” and we expect them to do the work. But the truth is, we are all ministers, we are all Saints, and we are all workers in God’s Kingdom. If you are waiting for the pastor to do all the work of spreading the Gospel then you are going to be seriously disappointed in the health of your church and the transformation of your community. He is only one man. However, if you see it as your job to go into your world and make disciples, then the work of the Gospel will advance exponentially. I am always willing to shepherd those who simply want to be ministered to. But I am incredibly blessed to shepherd those who want to be equipped for ministry.
Father, give us all a passion for ministry and equip us for that task.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon