“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.” – Proverbs 29:25
What is motivating you today? Many of us spend our days in the trap of “fearing man.” The decisions we make, the things we say, and the places we go are often for the purpose of pleasing someone around us. We fear being ridiculed and rejected. As childish as this sounds, this danger unfortunately does not end when we leave high school. But the fear of man is a snare. It traps us in all kinds of ungodly and immature behavior. Instead, our motivation should always be foundedin the Truths of God. This does not mean we live ignoring the relationships around us. In fact, the second greatest command after “Love the Lord your God,” is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” We should live in a way that shows love to those around us, never in a way that comprises the Truth in order to please them.
Our lives and actions should be founded on complete trust in the Lord. We should live every day knowing we are who He says we are, believing that what He says is true, and actively submitting every action to His will. This is the only way to truly be safe in this world.Lord, please open our eyes to the fear of man that still exists in our hearts. Rescue us from this snare and give us the wisdom to put all our trust safely in You.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><