March 21, 2018
“Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.” – James 5:7-8
This week we have officially entered Spring. Almost everyone loves Springtime. The weather warms up, the flowers begin to bloom, and the grass starts to become green. But I think Spring is an especially beautiful time of year in the rural farming community in which I live. In the Spring, farmers begin to plow up the fields and plant, the water begins to run in the irrigation ditches, and there are signs everywhere that fresh life and abundance are on their way. Farmers have the patience to make the most of the seasons. They know that, no matter how much you want to hurry, you cannot plant in the dead of winter. They also know that planting too late will not yield crops. So on the coldest Winter day, they know that Spring is just around the corner; warmth, water, and abundance are on their way.
This is the illustration that James uses to explain to us patience for the timing of the Lord. We often see the cold darkness around us and wish we could hurry things up. We want things to be different right now. But we have to wait for the Spring. You know why the farmer can wait for the Spring? Because Spring is faithful and steadfast. It is something worthy of putting trust in. It shows up every year without fail. In the same way, God is abundantly faithful and trustworthy. There is a day when everything will be put right. There is a time on the horizon that God will deliver all He has promised. But until that moment, let us be patient, waiting on His timing and trusting in His faithfulness.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your enduring faithfulness and your trustworthy promises. Give us the wisdom to be patient, waiting on You to show us amazing beauty and abundance in the proper time.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><