“When He (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment.” – John 16:8
We, as people left to our own, have no ability to change hearts. So often, when thinking about sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, we make the mistake of thinking our eloquent speech or watertight arguments will be what brings people to Christ. When we think this way, we ignore a vital truth; the truth that J.I. Packer simply, but poignantly explains by saying, “The blind do not respond to the stimulus of the light.” Those who are walking in blindness are simply unable to see any of the light we share with them, no matter how well prepared our argument. In order for those living in darkness to see light, God must perform a miracle. He must open their eyes and heal their blindness. Does this mean we do not need to worry about how well we teach God’s Word or share the Gospel? Absolutely not! We should always handle the Truths of God with the greatest respect and skill that we can muster. However, in the midst of this preparation we can never forget the most vital aspect; prayer. God must come in the form of the Holy Spirit, open the eyes of the one born blind, and inhabit our words in order for the miracle of transformation to take place. So as we prepare to go out into a lost world of darkness today, let us first and foremost pray for eyes to be opened. And then, let us share with all of our strength, intelligence, and love the incredible story of God’s Salvation for mankind.
Father, please send Your Holy Spirit to go before us and empower us so that eyes may be opened, light may be seen, and lives may be rescued from darkness, sin, and condemnation.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><