“This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24
Psalm 118:24 is probably one of the most misused scriptures of our day. We often use this verse to say, “Today is a day that God has created, so we should rejoice and be thankful!” While I have no problem with this sentiment, and it is good to be thankful for every day, that is not what Psalm 118 is talking about. Whether you realize it or not, verse 22 is also a very famous verse. It says, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” The Jews would sing this Psalm together when they celebrated Passover, remembering and thanking God for the day that He rescued His people. So they were not simply referring to every day, but the very specific day of God’s Salvation. Verse 22 is later quoted by Jesus in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It is also referenced in the book of Acts and 1 Peter. In every one of those instances, this verse refers to the fact that the religious leaders at the time rejected Jesus, but God was making Him the cornerstone of His new people, The Church. It is precisely because of the Lord’s Day of Salvation in Jesus Christ that we can wake up today with hope, joy, and confidence. So every morning, do not simply rejoice in the gift of a new day, but rejoice in the Day of Salvation that has given you the strength to live today! Father, let us call to mind every day the incredible joy, hope, and peace that comes because of the Day of Your Salvation.