“When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other.” – Ecclesiastes 7:14
It is important, when we experience times of great joy, to remember that every good and perfect gift is from God (James 1:17). We must make sure that we recognize that every great day is a blessing directly from God, and in the midst of this truth, we should always be thankful to Him. However, recognizing God’s sovereignty over our days is not a practice to be reserved only for the joyful times.
When we face difficult times, we feel like things are out of control. And though they may be out of our control, they are never out of God’s control. It is often difficult to believe or understand, but the God who has good things in mind for each and every one of our joyful days has just as much good in mind for our days of adversity. Our God, who has already given His one and only Son for us, would not now give us anything but good. So regardless of whether you are facing great joy or difficult trials today, remember, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24)!
Good and perfect Father, no matter what we are facing, we thank you for today.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><