Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” – John 21:16
Over the years, there have been many times that I have heard the sentiment that goes something like this; “I wish there was some way I could repay God for all He has done for me.” Although I understand this as a way to express our appreciation to God, it is somewhat of a misdirected sentiment. If we search the Bible, and especially the New Testament, we see that how we relate to God is primarily illustrated through loving relationships; He is the Father and we are the children, He is the groom and we are the bride, and so on. The reason I bring this to light is that, when I consider these relationships in my life, I am never looking for repayment. I do not want my wife to repay me for the love I have shown her. I do not expect my children to repay me for all that I have sacrificed for them. All I desire in return for all I have given is simply their love. I believe the same is true of God. We are all well aware of the fact that we can never repay God for all He has done for us. However, each and every one of us can show Him love. And one of the primary ways to do this, according to Jesus Himself, is to care for God’s people. When we take care of the sheep of God’s flock, we are expressing love to God Himself. So take a moment today and consider how amazing God’s love is for you. Then consider how you can show Him love in return by caring for and serving His people.
Father, we deeply desire to show You love. Give us the opportunity and wisdom to return that love by serving Your people.