June 12, 2019
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
Last night I was watching a movie with my 12 year old daughter. It is the first in a series of three. We were incredibly disorganized and ended up watching the second movie in the series, then the third, and finally this first installment. In this particular movie, one of the heroes seems to die at the end. We knew, from watching the other movies that he actually survives. However, as we watched this final scene, we both became a little teary-eyed when this beloved character seemingly gives his life. Even though we knew the final outcome was good, it did not make this scene any less heartbreaking.
We know that Jesus has overcome the world. We know that our God is infinitely stronger than our enemy, the devil. We know that in the end our Heavenly Father will set all things right. However, we still have heartbreaking scenes in our lives. We still deal with attacks from satan. Knowing the end does not necessarily make the journey worry free. It still hurts when the enemy hurls his darts at us. It still frightens us when we deal with illness. It is still painful to see a loved one suffer or even pass away. But take heart! Stand strong! Not because it never hurts, but because we know that the hurt is temporary. Jesus wins!
Heavenly, Loving, and Powerful Father, we know that You are over all things…but we still fear sometimes, we still feel discouraged sometimes, and we still hurt sometimes. Please hold us in the hard times, protect us from the enemy, and remind us that we know the end of the story!
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon