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July 5, 2023

“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.” – John 15:5

Yesterday we celebrated Independence Day; the day America declared our independence from Great Britain. But as I reflected throughout the day yesterday, I realized that we celebrate independence every day. Independence in an American value. We love our freedom. We do not want anyone ruling over us. We, even as individuals, want to have all we need to survive and thrive without relying on anyone else to provide it. I even began to reflect on my own actions as a father. I am currently preparing my oldest daughter to leave for college. A big goal for this summer is her independence. I want her to be able to care for herself. In fact, this is my goal for all my children. Just this morning I was teaching my 11-year-old son how to fry an egg so he wouldn’t need me to make breakfast for him. Independence should be valued.

But just like anything else, this value can be taken to an unhealthy place. Part of preparing my daughter for college has also been getting her in touch with college ministries and helping her find a healthy church. And more than anything, I am working to make sure her relationship with God is thriving. You see, as great as independence is, we still have to understand we need one another. And we must understand that we are completely dependent on God for every breath. So, today I want us to celebrate “Dependence Day.” I want us to reflect on how important fellowship is and I want us to recognize that we can do nothing without our Heavenly Father. Then, with that understanding, I want us to take action. Pursue healthy fellowship and deepen your relationship with God.

All Mighty and Infinite God, we stand in awe of the fact that You are also our Loving and Intimate Father. Help us to wake up every morning and be mindful throughout every day that we need You. We need You in the most difficult trials and we need You in the most mundane moments. Also help us to be always mindful that You have created us to need one another. Lead us to Christian fellowship and teach us to live as true family in You.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Shane Cannon

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