“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the garbage pile.” – Psalm 113:7
I have always been a little bit of a “gear head.” I enjoy working on cars and motorcycles. I especially love trying to bring classic vehicles back to life. It intrigues me to watch the men who are masters at this craft. They very literally can take something from the junkyard and turn it into something of great value. This process is called restoration. Psalm 113:7 tells us that this is exactly what God does with us. 1 Peter 5:10 teaches us that Jesus Christ personally restores us; we have been lifted from the junk pile and made into something beautiful.
We must always keep this truth before us, because it protects us from one of the most common mistakes in Christianity: returning to the junkyard. We have been made beautiful and restored to a place of honor, but we often seek the riches or honor of this world and, in doing so, reject the riches of Christ. When we do this, we are running back to the trash heap that God has rescued us from. Remembering who we truly are in Christ and celebrating that restoration every day guards against this trap. Charles Spurgeon puts it this way; “We share the honor of Christ, and compared with this, earthly splendors are not worth a thought. Communion with Jesus is a richer gem than ever glittered in imperial diadem.” Remember how Christ has lifted you from the trash heap and made you beautiful, and let this fellowship with Him keep you from returning to the garbage of this world.
Heavenly Father, thank You for rescuing us from the trash heap, through Jesus Christ. Give us the strength and wisdom to celebrate this truth every day of our lives and avoid returning to the garbage of this world.
In Christ’s service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><