July 1, 2020
“‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” – Romans 10:13-14
It is no secret right now that there is a great deal of turmoil in our country over violence, oppression, and hatred between different groups in our society. The lines are drawn between whites and blacks, police and citizens, liberals and conservatives. But where do Christians find ourselves in the midst of all this division? Where does the follower of Jesus belong? As I talk with my brothers and sisters, they have different opinions about who is in the most danger, where the most injustice lies, and what the Christian response should be. I believe that God lays different causes on different hearts, and I believe followers of Christ have a myriad of different ways that we can tangibly help those who are hurting. But is there something that every follower of Jesus should be doing about those who are oppressed, hurting, or even in danger? Yes.
True deliverance from the evils of this world can only come from God. He is the only one sovereign over all the systems, schemes, violence, and hatred of mankind. Whichever group you are most concerned about, the answer is that they need to cry out to God for deliverance. But how can they cry out to the God they don’t believe in? And how can they believe in God if they’ve never heard of him. And how can they hear if no one has ever told them? Above every tangible solution you feel convicted God is calling you to participate in, your deepest desire should be the desire to share the Gospel. Whatever cause you take hold of and whatever group you feel led to fight for, all your efforts will be meaningless in the end unless men and women are led to a place where they can cry out to God for true and eternal rescue. Our true cause is the cause of Christ.
Almighty, sovereign, and loving God, please give us guidance in how we can help the hurting, oppressed, and endangered in our society. But Father, most of all fill us with a passion and empower us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Let it be our deepest desire that all who are hurting may cry out to You for complete and eternal rescue.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon