January 8, 2020
“In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” – Psalm 5:3
I enjoy ordering things from the internet, partly because I like the vast amount of options I have and the good deals that can often be found. I have discovered something about myself recently though; I enjoy ordering things from the internet because I enjoy the excitement and expectation of the arrival. I like to watch the tracking and figure out what day it’s supposed to come. I look for the mail truck or UPS truck. Then, depending on what I’ve ordered, I’m often opening the package like it’s a Christmas present. If I am not eagerly anticipating the arrival of my package it would mean one of two things; either I never really wanted it in the first place, or I have no faith that the carrier can be trusted to deliver it.
Every one of us has, at times, poured our heart out to God. We have all laid our requests at his feet. But how often do we wait expectantly for our Heavenly Father to deliver? We come to him, make a request of him, and then often live as if it is never going to be delivered. When we do this, it means one of two things; either we have not made a request that we truly desire to see fulfilled, or we have no faith in God’s ability to deliver. Our God is faithful, powerful, and he loves us with an unfathomable love. When you make your request, you should wait expectantly, excited to see what God will do and how he will deliver.
Heavenly Father, today we lay our requests at Your feet. We recognize that You are both able and faithful to deliver. Make that truth real in our hearts and give us an eager expectation to see how You will answer and provide for our every need.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon