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January 18th, 2017

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” – James 4:10

When we get down, depressed, and discouraged in life, we often make the mistake of turning inward and attempting to lift ourselves up out of the darkness. But the book of James clearly gives us the formula for the proper way to be lifted up; we must humble ourselves before God. We must put us and God in the proper place in our thinking, humbling ourselves and exalting Him. When we make the mistake of exalting ourselves and making little of God it places the weight of the world on our shoulders and, since we are clearly not up to the task, it breeds fear and insecurity. However, it is amazing how meditating on God and His greatness makes the cares of this world fade away, because they are all placed securely in His hands. Exalting God and humbling ourselves creates the peace and comfort that we all long for.

Powerful and loving Heavenly Father, protect us from the detrimental mistake of turning to ourselves for rescue, peace, and comfort. Instead, teach us to turn to You and exalt You through every victory and every storm in life.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Shane Cannon <><

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