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January 11th, 2017

“Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away.” – Luke 8:13

Over the last several days here on the plains of Colorado, we have seen many large, mature trees uprooted from record breaking winds. It is amazing to think that something that has stood for decades, through many storms, could be uprooted and knocked over. But many of these trees, even though they have seen many years, have never seen 100mph winds. However, there are trees on the mountain tops that see those kinds of winds on a regular basis. Those trees are still standing today, because as they have lived every day in harsh conditions, it has pushed their roots deep into the ground. So when the 100mph winds come, they are prepared to stand. Jesus uses this illustration to talk about us. Some Christians will fall away as soon as the first trial comes, because they have no roots to keep them standing. So the question becomes, “how do we make deep roots?” As long as we are “spectator Christians,” or “consumer Christians,” we will never have the strength to stand. If we only experience Christ as the best show in town or the best product to buy, we will always miss out on true depth. Just like the trees on the mountaintops, we gain deep roots by living in the storms. When we live for Christ and His Kingdom, not for entertainment or comfort, we grow our roots deep. As we step out to serve Christ, we experience things that stretch us and challenge us, and those experiences strengthen our roots in Him. So when the record breaking storm does come, we stand strong, rooted in Christ.

Father, give us the wisdom to live on the mountaintop with You, facing every storm and every trial with the strength that comes from being rooted in You.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Shane Cannon <><

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