February 6, 2019
“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” – 1 Corinthians 2:2
Theology is intimidating. When we set out to plumb the depths of all we can know about God, there is no end to that endeavor. When a perceived lack of theological knowledge exists, we are often silent about the things of God. But we can never confuse our knowledge of God for our relationship with God. When Paul stood at Corinth, in the center of the most intellectual society of the ancient world, he did not impress them with his incredible education…though he could of! He claimed no knowledge but the knowledge of Jesus Christ crucified. He simply proclaimed the Gospel.
Charles Surgeon once said; “As for myself, I can truly say, that Jesus Christ and Him crucified, is the sum of all knowledge to me; He is the highest intellectualism; He is the grandest philosophy to which my mind can attain; He is the pinnacle that rises loftier than my highest aspirations.”
If your theological knowledge is not as deep as the person next to you, don’t worry; his theological knowledge is probably not as deep as the person next to him. Our witness for Christ does not depend on our theological education; it depends on our relationship with Him. Theology is good and useful as much as it deepens our relationship with God. But all the education in the world cannot take the place of a life lived intimately with God at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, we pray that knowledge of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ leading to intimacy with You would be our greatest aspiration.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon