February 21, 2018
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
Have you ever been in a situation that, for whatever reason, is very scary for you? In the midst of that situation, have you ever had someone say, “Don’t be afraid.” Though we often appreciate the support, the truth is, unless they have some reason why we should not be afraid, their words are fairly ineffective. You see, simply saying, “Don’t be afraid,” in the midst of a very scary situation has little to no power for peace. However, those who speak those words and then follow them up with the reason we should not be afraid often provide the comfort and strength we need in the midst of the crisis.
This is important to see as we read Joshua 1:9. A command to simply “not fear” can be frustrating. I don’t want to fear, but I do. However, God doesn’t stop there. He gives us the reasoning. “Do not be afraid, because I am here!” Sometimes, all you need in the midst of a scary situation is to be with someone who loves you and has power over that situation. When I was a child, there was almost no situation I wouldn’t face as long as my dad was there. His incredible love for me and great strength gave me peace even in the midst of the scary times. In our world today, there is a lot to fear. Violence is all around us, our leaders are often untrustworthy, and we can see the hatred that exists. So why not fear? This world is a scary place! But we have no need to be afraid, because the Creator and Lord of all the earth is with us. In fact, in those who are followers of Jesus Christ, God has not only promised to be with us, but to put his very Spirit within us!
So as you go about your day today, in the midst of an often chaotic world, Fear not! The very presence of God lives in you and empowers you to be more than conquerors through Christ.
Mighty God, fill us with Your Spirit and give us courage for life!
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon