February 19, 2020
“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5
One of the things I love about where I live is that the sun, on average, shines 260 days out of the year. But these last few weeks have been uncharacteristically overcast, cold, and snowy. I miss the sun. This morning when I woke up, there was a small break in the clouds, and I could see the sun begin to rise. By mid-morning the clouds had rolled in once again and the sun was gone. But all I needed was a glimpse. That little bit of blue sky this morning reminded me that this winter will not last forever. It will warm up again, the snow will melt, and the blue sky will return. Knowing this makes the dark days a little more bearable.
This is a great parallel to our lives. I’m sure we have all been through those seasons where it seems like there is no relief from the darkness. We long to once again see the bright times. We are tired of the cold. As you walk through those times, keep your eyes on the One above. There will be glimpses of light and moments of hope even in the darkest times. Look for those things, sometimes very small, that remind you the dark skies will not last forever. The light of Jesus Christ shines, even in the hardest days. Let that light give you hope. The darkness may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
Mighty God and Loving Father let Your light shine in the midst of our dark days. Lift our eyes to You so that we might find the moments of hope in the midst of trials.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon