February 14, 2018
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31
I want to begin with a little Bible trivia today: Do you know the first man in the Bible who is said to be filled with God’s Spirit? You may guess one of the great forefathers, like Abraham or Isaac. Or maybe you would guess Moses? Or possibly King David? All of those are great guesses, but none of them are correct. The first person that the Bible mentions as being filled with the Holy Spirit is Bezalel. Never heard of him? In Exodus 31:1-5, we are told that God tells Moses that He has filled Bezalel with His Spirit for the purpose of working in gold, bronze, stone, and wood in order to build God’s tabernacle. The first man we know of who is filled with the Holy Spirit was a craftsman.
Why is this important? Because the truth is, everything we do at work, in our home, out with our friends, or at church can be filled with the Holy Spirit for God’s purposes. We often make the mistake of separating the “holy” from the “common.” However, the reality is we are supposed to give glory to God in everything we do every day, no matter how He has gifted us. As Richard Foster states, “Farmers and plumbers and secretaries can be equally ‘called’ and equally ‘full-time’ and equally ‘Christian,’ and they can equally render ‘service.’ The really crucial decision comes, not when we decide to be a pastor rather than a biologist, but when we allow our entire life to be a channel of divine love.” So whatever you do today, work at it with all your heart, because you are truly working for the Lord! (Colossians 3:23)
Mighty God, fill us with Your Holy Spirit and use every one of our gifts, talents, jobs, hobbies, and projects for Your glory.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><