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December 4, 2024

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness.”
 – Isaiah 9:2

One of my very favorite things to do as a pastor is baptisms. There is something incredibly beautiful about the moment when someone gets to make a public, tangible profession of their new life in Christ. At this moment I get to see powerful hope in their eyes. Many of them have lived lives far from Christ and have not seen any end to the darkness that has surrounded them. Now, for the first time, they know that there is hope piercing that darkness – hope for a better life here on earth and hope for an unimaginable joy on into eternity.

Most people I know look forward to Christmas. Everyone one has their own favorite aspect of the holiday – getting together with family, decorations, opening presents, and a whole host of other things. But today I want to encourage you to look forward to Christmas because the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ is the celebration of God piercing the darkness of our sin and bringing true and pure hope into the lost world. Over these next few weeks, look for the manger everywhere you go. When you see it, take a moment and thank God for bringing light into the darkness. Thank God for giving you hope in the midst of a lost world.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Jesus! Thank You for the perfect plan to bring Your one and only Son into a completely hopeless situation so that we can have abundant life in You! Thank You for the hope that Jesus brings!

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Shane Cannon

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