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December 14, 2022

“He replied to him, ‘Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?’ Pointing to his disciples, he said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.’” – Matthew 12:49-50

Christmastime is meant to be a time of joyful celebration with the people you love. All around us we see pictures of big families coming together to eat large meals and exchange gifts. Celebrating the birth of Christ with an incredible family is one of the greatest blessings I experience all year long. However, not everyone has the blessing of a close family. Some people have relatives that are spread throughout the country and some people simply do not have any real connection with their relatives. What about these people?

First, if you do not have a close family to celebrate with this season, I want to let you know that your family is as close as the nearest church. The truest and closest family are the people who you will spend eternity with. Find these loved one’s and be intentional about spending time with them. Second, if you have a large family that loves to gather during the holidays, make sure you include your brothers and sisters in Christ who may not have that fellowship this time of year. Jesus set the example; everyone who belongs to the family of God is our brother and sister.

Loving heavenly Father, bring us together as the family of God. Let us find incredible joy in meeting together. Teach us to intentionally seek out one another and celebrate with the eternal family we have because of Jesus Christ.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Shane Cannon

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