August 19, 2020
“The report of your obedience has reached everyone. Therefore I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise about what is good, and yet innocent about what is evil.” – Romans 16:19
Just like most things in life, social media has great potential for evil and for good. Depending on who you follow and what posts you decide to read, you can walk away incredibly encouraged or incredibly depressed. You probably know those people who are on top of every sad story, every wrong that is being done in society, or every current conspiracy theory. There is no shortage of evil to investigate and report on from the internet. Some people are able to find a new threat to Christians and to Christ’s church every single day.
We are called to watch out for our Enemy as he prowls around looking to devour us. But “watching out” can quickly turn into being an expert on all the evil around us. In Romans 16:19, we are encouraged, not to simply be innocent of evil, but to be innocent about what is evil. In our careful watch for the work of Satan, we should not become fixated on evil. Being aware of evil and being intimately knowledgeable of evil are two very different things. Instead we should be the ones who have great wisdom and knowledge about the good and godly things in our world. On any given day we should be able to recall wonderful things that God is doing in our life and in the lives of those around us. Looking out for what is evil may keep us safe, but diving headfirst into what is good will bring us joy.
Good and loving Father, let us know just enough about evil that we can steer clear of it and give us great wisdom concerning all the good things You are doing around us every day.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon