August 12, 2020
“I also could speak like you, if you were in my place; I could make fine speeches against you and shake my head at you. But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief.” – Job 16:4-5
The story of Job is one of the most famous stories of suffering and trials, not only in the Bible, but in all history. Though there are many theological aspects of this story that are very intriguing, I feel the most interesting aspects are the relational ones. Not only between God and Job, but between Job and his friends. Throughout the story, Job’s friends continuously speak words that in no way bring peace. They accuse him and assume the worst. In today’s passage Job makes a point of saying that, if the roles were reversed, he could be condemning but he could also bring words of comfort and encouragement. You can see Job crying out here for some kind words from his friends.
Words hold great power. In the midst of a trial, words have the power to bring greater discouragement, anger, depression, and fear. However, the simplest words also have the power to bring encouragement and comfort even to the darkest times. So, ask yourself, which words do you speak? I can guarantee there are people around you who are hurting. Do you realize you have the power to bring them some relief by simply speaking words of life into their situation? Our sinful nature loves to speak words that place ourselves above those around us. But I pray the Spirit of God living in you makes you a fountain of comfort and encouragement for those around you.
Loving Father, fill us with Your words of love, peace, comfort, and encouragement. Let those around us experience Your incredible love through the words that we speak.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon