April 3, 2019
“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” – Isaiah 53:6
It is a good and healthy practice to personalize the Cross. I need to remember that every single one of my sins – every lie, every moment of anger, every evil thought – was paid for on the Cross. And I need to recognize and confess that even one single sin among those many was enough for me to be responsible for the suffering of Jesus Christ.
However, it is also important that we take time to recognize the magnitude of the Cross. Isaiah 53:6 tells us that everyone has gone astray, turned from God, and chased our own evil desires. And every single sin of every single individual was laid upon the shoulders of Jesus Christ as he hung on the cross. The Cross is powerful enough to make atonement for every human being alive today, all those who lived for thousands of years before us, and everyone that will come after us. It is impossible for us to ever fully comprehend the incredible weight of all that Jesus bore for our sins, but it is important that we recognize it.
Heavenly Father, we fail so miserably in comprehending the overwhelming sacrifice of sending Your one and only Son to suffer our punishment. But we stop today to recognize the magnitude of it all and give glory to Jesus Christ.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon
Pastor Shane Cannon