April 28, 2021
“But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes to heaven but kept striking his chest and saying, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner!’” – Luke 18:13
God loves you… This phrase has probably become cliché in most Christian circles. We may know the theology of this statement, but do we know the intimacy of it? Here is the problem; I know exactly how evil I am. I know every thought and every motive in my life. And when I look deep into my soul, I see myself as anything but lovable.
Let me warn you today; never make the mistake of projecting your inability to love yourself onto God. Recognizing your sinfulness is a vital step in beginning a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. But when you have come into that relationship with him, nothing will ever change his love for you, no matter how many times you fall. He will always love you with the sacrificial love that drove him to give his One and Only Son to pay the price for every sinful thought and evil motive. There is nothing in all creation, including you, that could ever make God stop loving you.
Loving Heavenly Father, I know my heart and I often feel completely unlovable. I thank You that Your love is infinitely more powerful than my sin. Give me greater and greater confidence in Your love resulting in greater and greater peace in You.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon