April 24, 2019
“Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.” – Song of Solomon 2:12
Springtime is such a wonderful season. It is refreshing to see the trees, that were barren all winter, begin to show signs of life once again. I am always excited to see the first hummingbird. It makes me happy to pull up to my house and see the fruit of my wife’s labor as the beautiful flowers begin to bloom. It is so pleasant to breathe the first breaths of fresh spring air and feel the warmth of the sun. Winter is a vital season for the health of our environment, but there is something about the end of those cold and barren days that brings joy.
Likewise, the barren seasons of our life are very important to our spiritual health. There are seeds of beauty that are taking hold in the darkest days of our soul. The cold is often necessary, but the beauty of the dawning of new life in the depths of us is a joyous occasion. I don’t know what season you are in right now, but know this; you can have peace in the winter of your soul knowing that spring is coming, and you can rejoice greatly in the spring of your soul because you know the barren months have produced their fruit.
God over all the earth, fill us with hope and joy in every season of our soul.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon