April 21, 2021
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
It is comforting when someone cares about you. Some of the sweetest moments I have experienced are when I’ve been hurt or sick and I see my children wanting to care for me. There is not usually much they can do to help, but it is not their help that is comforting. It is their caring heart that brings me peace and joy.
God cares for you. You have never, nor will you ever walk through any trial that he does not deeply feel. That thought is comforting. But our relationship with God through Christ is much more. His love for us is not simply about us feeling nice warm feelings. We can truly cast all our cares, worries, fears, hurts, and sickness on him because he is not simply someone who loves us but someone who has infinite power over every one of those situations. So, the blessing is increased exponentially; the One who cares for us more than any other is also the one who is in complete control over every one of our circumstances. Do not let your anxiety weigh you down any longer. Cast your cares on him!
All powerful and all loving Father, today I bring all of my burdens before you. Give me peace in knowing you care and give me strength in knowing you are in control. Please lift my burdens, bless my heart, and show me your love.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon