“For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of peoplewho by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.” – Romans 1:18
Whether we realize it or not, we all intrinsically understand that wrath and judgement are good and righteous qualities. And the absence of them is evil. For instance, would it be okay for a drunk driver who has crashed and killed an entire family to be free from prosecution because he is wealthy? Or would it be good and right for a man who has killed several people simply because of their skin color to escape jail time because of the color of his skin? No! We understand that evil actions should be met with proper judgement. Why is it, then, that we are comfortable with a God of love and mercy, but not a God of wrath and judgement? Selwyn Hughes says “Never view the wrath of God as a moral blemish or blotch on His character. It would be a blemish if wrath were absent from Him.” So why do we struggle with accepting the wrath of God? Because that wrath is directed towards us.
We very seldom think that our actions deserve judgement. Our human version of righteousness isincredibly subjective. However, the truth is all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin is death. God refuses to turn a blind eye to the evil we have committed, and that is a good and righteous quality. The punishment for evil must be carried out. But praise be to God that this punishment was taken by Jesus Christ. Only in Him is God’s righteousness, judgment, and wrath met in perfect harmony with His love, grace, and mercy. So today, take a moment and thank God for His righteous wrath and judgment, because He would not be a truly good God without it. And then, in the same breath, thank Him for Jesus Christ who has taken the wrath and judgement that rightfully should have been poured out on each of us.
God, we thank You that You are a righteous God in every sense of the word. Let our growing appreciation of Your wrath and judgement lead us into a greater appreciation of Your love and mercy shown to us through Jesus Christ.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><