October 26, 2016
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” – 1 Timothy 4:8
In our country, there is an entire culture built around physical fitness. There are gyms of all different sorts on every corner, and a new exercise fad pops up every few months. Physical training definitely has benefits; we only get one body for all our years here on earth, and that body is a gift from God that we should care for. In addition to this, the discipline it takes to stay fit carries over into many other aspects of life. However, these benefits are limited, primarily because these bodies are passing away and will one day simply become dust. There is one discipline, however, that has benefits across all aspects of this life and for the life to come; the pursuit of godliness. Pursuing God will lead us into healthy life choices and healthy relationships here on earth, and it will also prepare us for the eternal life that awaits those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. So as you care for your body, continue your education, or learn a new skill, remember, the only discipline that will benefit you now and forever is the relentless pursuit to know more fully the God who loves you and gave His son for you.
Heavenly Father, as we strive to be better people here on earth, give us the wisdom to pursue that which will make us closer to You today and on into eternity.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><