“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10
Imagine for a moment that your child’s school is doing a special fundraiser to help a family that is in need. You send your child with some money in order to participate in that fundraiser and help that family. Your child, however, decides that instead they will take that money and buy candy for themselves. How sad, disappointed, and possibly angry would you be? You gave your child something in order for them to bless someone else. But instead they have selfishly used it to gain something for themselves.
Our heavenly Father has given gifts to each one of us. We each have areas of life in which we naturally excel. Though we as people often rank certain talents as greater than others, the truth is we are each gifted by God. He has given us those gifts for the purpose of serving and blessing one another. However, we are probably all guilty of using our gifts to bless ourselves more often than not. No matter what you are good at, there is a way that you can use that gift to serve the Church and bless your brothers and sisters. God has given you those gifts so that you can be the tangible expression of the beautifully diverse forms of his amazing grace. Let us never forsake this incredible privilege!
Father, make clear to us the gifts that You have given and provide the opportunities, the strength, and the wisdom to employ those gifts toward the service of one another. Teach us to bless others with the blessings You have given us.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon