March 1, 2017
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” – Psalm 119:105
Why is it important to spend regular, disciplined time in the Word of God? Because God’s word is the fixed point on which we set our bearings in order to navigate life. The Word of God is the objective foundation that keeps us from making all our relationship with Him based on subjective emotion. We often say (or at least think) things like, “I really feel God would want me to do this.” It is true that God works in our hearts and minds to lead us. But this leading must always align with Scripture, or we can be sure it is not from God; God is not schizophrenic. Any time we neglect the Word of God in our lives, we are in danger of running off on our own feelings and emotions and slowly leaving God out of all our decisions. We should spend time in His Word this week, and every week, so that our daily walk can be firmly set in the unchanging truths of God.
Father, give us a passion to read and know Your Word, so that our daily thoughts and actions will always be founded in Your Truth and not our whims.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon <><