“Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil.” – Ephesians 6:11
This afternoon I was having a good discussion with someone about how different it is to have kids in public school today versus when I was young. You cannot send your kids to public school anymore assuming that they are going to be learning good values along with math, science, and reading. In fact, many times they will be taught things that are the complete opposite of Christian values. So now, as I send my kids off to school, I have to be very intentional to talk with them on a regular basis and hear what it is that they are learning and experiencing. It is more important than ever that my kids see their school as the mission field. They must go, prepared to be attacked and ready to fight the good fight of the faith.
As I thought about our discussion, I realized this is the truth in almost every circumstance. School when I was a child was just as much of a spiritual battleground as today, it was just not as blatant. We may have seen this as an advantage, but honestly, hidden warfare is usually the most dangerous kind. The truth is, we cannot go anywhere unarmed. Satan is working in every corner of our world and often in the places we least expect it. That truth should not make us fear, but it should make us aware and intentional in all our actions; prayerfully putting on the armor of God every time we walk out the door.
Mighty God, keep us always equipped to fight the battles around us, remembering that the power lies in Your Holy Spirit living through us. Let us see every day as another opportunity to fulfill Your Great Commission to speak Your words of life into a dying world.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon