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November 16, 2022

“Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wondrous things from your instruction.” – Psalm 119:18

As a father of five children, I hear requests all the time. Usually it is things like, “can I play my video game?”, “can I have dessert?”, “can we go to the trampoline park?”, “can I go hang out with my friends?”, or “can we go out to eat tonight?” But every once in a while I am surprised by a question that brings me a lot of joy. For instance, my daughter asked recently, “can you show me how to play that song on the piano?” Why does that bring me joy? Because it is a beautiful thing when your children begin to desire the things that you know are good and healthy for them. It is a joyful thing when they are maturing in such a way that they ask for the things that you know are best for them.

When we pray to our heavenly Father, we ask for all sorts of things. But when is the last time you prayed something similar to Psalm 119:18? When is the last time you said, “God, I’m going to dive deep into your Scriptures, and as I do, I want you to show me wonderful things”? Do you know what incredible joy that would bring to your heavenly Father?! I challenge you today; pull out your Bible, say a prayer asking God to reveal amazing truths to you, and then take a moment and read a passage. That would bring him great joy!

Heavenly Father, we want to hear from You, and we want to be enlightened by You. Open our eyes so that we may contemplate wondrous things from Your instruction.


In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Shane Cannon

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