January 6, 2021
“Cast all your cares on him, because he cares about you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
In the times when we need the most help we are often skeptical about where that help comes from. Do friends help in hopes that the favor will be returned? Do strangers help to make themselves feel superior? Do organizations or institutions help in order to take control over our lives? We naturally ask the question, “Does anyone really have my best interests in mind? Does anyone really care about me?!” If we are unsure about the motivation of the helper, it is natural and even wise to be cautious about the help being offered. When this is the case, we will never fully cast our cares on them in a way that brings us relief from the struggles.
However, there should never be any doubt about God’s care for us and his motives in doing so. He loves you so much that he has given up what is most dear to him in order to rescue you and bring you back to himself. He cares for you so much more than you can even care for yourself (when is the last time you numbered the hairs of your own head?!). We can confidently cast every single care on God because there is no person, being, or entity in all creation that cares for us in the way he does. So, stop today and meditate on God’s incredible love for you in Christ. Think on all he has done to save you and bring you into his family. And once you have done that, cast every care on the O ne who intimately cares for you. As Charles Spurgeon says, “There is, in contemplating Christ, a balm for every wound.”
Loving Father, we know that Your motive for helping us in our time of distress is the only one that is truly pure. We know that You care for us. Bring that truth to mind whenever we are struggling and in need of help. Teach us to cast our cares on You because we can be confident You care for us.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon