May 9, 2018
“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” – Psalm 51:1-2
Over the last year I have been to the doctor more times than the previous forty years of my life combined. And at this point I can assure you, I absolutely hate going to the doctor. However, I have recently discovered that it is not their fault, but mine. You see, I go to the doctor to get healing, but when I go I have a preconceived idea of what is wrong with me and I have an expectation of what I want the doctor to say and what treatment I want them to prescribe. When they do not fulfill my expectations but instead have a different opinion and treatment, I go away disappointed and frustrated. If I know so much about my problems and how to fix them, then isn’t it silly to go to the doctor? But I do go. Why? Because they are experts in the field of healing and I am not. At this point, I can tell you I am truly thankful that the doctors did not do what I thought they should have done.
We often approach God this very same way. We know that we are unhealthy and we need healing. We come to God, but we come already convinced of what is wrong and expecting a certain answer from Him. When He doesn’t give us the answer we want, we go away disappointed and frustrated. So let me ask you; why did you bring your hurt to God in the first place? You see, God is the expert. Healing resides in His hands and His hands alone. Aren’t you so incredibly thankful that God has dealt with your sin and transgressions, not according to your opinion or preconceived notions, but according to His great compassion and unfailing love?! Bring your hurts and wounds to Jesus, having confidence that healing is found in His hands, and not your own.
Great God of all creation, we bring our sin and pain to You today for Your healing power. Forgive us for the error of thinking we know best, and deal with us at all times according to your great compassion and unfailing love.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Shane Cannon