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February 22nd, 2017

“My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish– ever! No one will snatch them out of My hand.” – John 10:27-28

In the ancient world, sheep from many shepherds were often kept in large communal pens on the edge of a town. When it came time for a shepherd to move on with his flock, he could simply go to the pen and call out. The sheep that belonged to him knew his voice and would follow him. They did this, not because they feared punishment from him, but because they knew that he was their protector; their safety rested in their shepherd. Jesus uses this illustration to explain our relationship with Him. As sheep of the Great Shepherd, we listen and obey the voice of Christ, not out of fear of Him, but out of love for Him. The only fear we have is fear of the one who wishes to destroy us. But Christ is much more powerful than our enemy, and there is no one powerful enough to snatch us from His hand. So today, listen and obey the voice of Jesus Christ, not because you fear Him, but because you know that the One who holds the power of life and death in His hands desires for you to have abundant life. True safety and peace are only found in Him. This truth alone should be more than enough motivation for us to listen to Him and follow Him wherever He leads.

Lord, You are the Good Shepherd. Give us the wisdom and strength to listen and follow Your words, knowing all along that true peace and safety only exist in a life lived close to You.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Shane Cannon <><

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