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February 17, 2016

In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. ‘He saved others,’ they said, ‘but he can’t save himself!’” – Matthew 27:41-42

If we take a moment and consider the words of the Jewish elders in this passage, we see that their point of view is truly perplexing. They confess with their own mouths that Jesus saved others. He had turned water into wine, given sight to the blind, fed the five thousand, and even raised Lazarus from the dead. But as he hung on the cross, their conclusion was that he “can’t” save himself?! After everything Christ had done, the logical question would be, “He saved others, why won’t He save Himself?!” Jesus had already clearly displayed His power for all to see. Now it was time to clearly display His love. The answer for the Jewish leaders is, “Jesus did not come to save Himself. He came to save us!” Unfortunately, we make the same mistake today. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection we have seen His perfect power, wisdom, and love. However, when He does not act in the way we think He should in our lives, we quickly join the chief priests in saying “He can’t do it.” But the logical and mature question should be; “why isn’t He doing it?” Is our will not in line with His? Is He trying to teach us something deeper? One huge lesson from the Cross is this: when Jesus does not do what we expect Him to do and what He is clearly capable of doing, pay close attention, because He has something much greater in mind! Lord, give us the wisdom to stay attentive and trusting when Your actions do not match our expectations.


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