Amazing Encounters with Jesus!
This year’s theme for Mesa Christian Fellowship’s Vacation Bible School is In the Wild.
It is all about equipping kids to focus in and encounter Jesus. The kids will learn that because God loves them he sent His one and only Son Jesus to save us. Each day the kids will dig deep into God’s Word to examine Jesus’ life, as well as make crafts, play fun games, enjoy tasty snacks, sing cool songs and learn about missions.

But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. - John 20:31 (CSB)
please take a moment to review our updated safety procedures!
- Monday, the first day of VBS, registration starts at 8:30 am, 8:45 am for pre-registered children. The doors will not be opened until 8:30 am.
- Sign in and registration are at 8:45 am Tuesday-Friday. The doors will not be opened until 8:45 am.
- An adult MUST walk the kids to the door each morning and sign the child/children in. You cannot just drop off children.
- Only the people listed on your registration form (First and Last name) will be allowed to pick up your child.
- A photo ID is REQUIRED to pick up a child from VBS.
- If for any reason you have an adult who is not listed on your registration coming to pick up your child, you must inform us at the time you drop your child off or that adult will not be allowed to leave with your child. If unexpected circumstances arise, you may call the church office at (719) 948-4490.
- The person picking up will sign the child out from their teacher.
- Other children are not allowed to sign their siblings out.
- The doors will not be opened until 12:30 pm for sign out.
- You must include all pertinent medical information, including allergies, on your registration sheet. (asthma, seizures, restrictions, special needs, etc.)
- If your child has a severe allergy you must come in each morning and make a bracelet which states the allergy on it.
Parents & Guardians,
please be advised that you will be asked to sign a paper copy of these safety policies when you check your child(ren) into VBS!
We thank you for your cooperation!
Information is used by VBS personnel only.
Registration is open to Age 4 – entering 6th grade only!
VBS Week: June 10-14, 9:00am – 12:30pm daily.
Please fill out a separate form for each individual child.
Theme Verse
But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:31 (CSB)
Zoom in! Focus on Jesus!
Daily Content
Day 1: Encounter in the Temple Luke – 2:41-52
Day 2: Encounter at the River Matthew – 3:1-17
Day 3: Encounter on the Water Matthew – 14:22-33
Day 4: Encounter at the Tomb – John 20:1-18
Day 5: Encounter on the Road Luke – 24:13-35