Event details
- Saturday | January 23, 2020
- 1:00 am - 2:00 am
Thursdays // 7:00 p.m.
“We will be studying Genesis this fall in ladies Bible study. My goal is to look deeply into the things God did to create our universe, our world, and the people in it; how He planned, purposed and provided for each. It is such a wonderful story of His enduring love and forgiveness, His holiness, justice, judgement and mercy. We will see ourselves and our families reflected in the stories of the founding families, their sin, their trust, and their failings, as well as their calling, obedience and how God used each. Come join us, whether you are a new Christian, a mature believer, or are not even sure what you believe. We have a sweet group of ladies, of all ages. All you need is a Bible, and if you don’t have one we can help with that too. Be prepared to laugh, cry and fellowship.”
– Kathie Holderman, Women’s Bible Study facilitator
Where: Mesa Christian Fellowship in the Women’s Study Hall
When: Thursdays at 7:00 PM